Corsa dei Castelli makes Three: Trieste Embraces Udine and Verona

New edition of‘Fai Tris‘ circuit: running unites Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Veneto with cost-effective competitive events
The first event on the calendar is the Udine Marathon, scheduled for Sept. 17. Followed by a race in Trieste on Oct. 15 and closing in Verona with the Verona Run 21k on Nov. 19

TRIESTE – Last year, the alliance of Italy’s northeastern regions, Friuli Venezia-Giulia and Veneto, generated a remarkably successful running circuit, now returning with “Fai Tris,” bringing together the cities of Udine, Trieste and Verona. Three events of international resonance and among the most prestigious in Italy: the Udine Marathon and the Zero Wind Verona Run Marathon 21k, both over the half-marathon distance (21.097km), and the Castelli Run in Trieste over the 10km distance, all to be experienced intensely in two months.

UDINE – The opening of the ‘Tris’ circuit will take place with the 23rd Udine City International Marathon on Sept. 17. The start will be given from Piazza Primo Maggio with the finish line at Via Vittorio Veneto, after running through the entire municipality of Udine. A course considered among the fastest internationally, a unique opportunity to prepare for the big fall marathons or to try to improve one’s personal best.

TRIESTE – The baton will then pass to the city of Trieste for the second event, the 7th edition of “La Corsa dei Castelli,” which will take place on Oct. 15. This race, which is on the FIDAL national calendar, runs along an approved course from Miramare Castle to San Giusto Castle. A very smooth course with a final ascent that earned the course the nickname “The Wall.” Before reaching the finish line in the courtyard of San Giusto Castle, runners will have to test mind, body and heart.

VERONA – After Friuli and Giulia, the circuit moves to Veneto for the 9th edition of the Zero Wind Verona Run Marathon 21k, to be held in conjunction with the Verona Run Marathon 42k on Nov. 19. The finish will be, as always, in the spectacular Piazza Bra, in front of the Arena, after 21 km that will make athletes breathe the Lungadige and the historic center of Verona, a UNESCO heritage site.

REGISTRATIONS – Registration for the full circuit package is open on each event’s website, CLICK HERE. , at a total cost of 60 euros. Registration will close on Sunday, September 10 or when 200 entries are reached. Circuit participants will be offered exclusive gadgets to be picked up during the last leg at the Zero Wind Verona Run Marathon 21k Expo Village.

OTHER EVENTS – Registration for the Ten non-competitive race is open on the website, CLICK HERE. . The next fare increase will be on August 31. Registration for the Family Run 8 km is open on the website, CLICK HERE . Special offer: two adults accompanying a child under 16 will pay one registration fee and will be entitled to three bibs. Offer for companies with at least 10 participants. Children and young people up to 18 years old participate for free.

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